the kentucky department for environmental protection has announced the grant applicatIons for two of their signature cleanup programs…..illegal open dump cleanup
and the cleanup of litter along public roads….are now being accepted…..
counties in compliance with their five-year solid waste management plan can now apply for funds to clean up illegal dumps…..each dumpsite under 50-thousand dollars
requires a 25-percent local match….
since two-thousand-six…..the illegal open dump grant has funded clean-up of 28-hundred-18 dumpsites….in january…..nearly 930-thousand dollars in grants were
awarded to cleanup 69 illegal dumps in 16 counties…..
litter grant requests will also be accepted from counties incompliance with their five-year solid waste management plan and from incorporated cities which by solid waste ordinance…..provide municipal wastE collection services……
in december 20-23……just over five-million dollars was awarded to kentucky counties and cities in litter abatement grants…..
grant application packets for both programs ae being sent to county judge executives and solid waste coordinators……