legislation passsed during the 20-21 general assembly took effect yesterday (weds)…..requiring everyone to undergo a vision test each time they renew their driver’s
license……not just the first obtaining a license in the commonwealth….. which was the case…..
the vision screenings are free at any k-y-t-c driver licensing regional office at the time of license renewal….or drivers can also have a vision exam with their
vision specialist who will give them a form iF they pass the test…..if a driver doesn’t pass the vision screening at a regional office….they will be instructed to see a vision
specialist for corrective measures…..and you should bring corrective lenses when renewing….
the online and mail-in drivers license renewal is sill available for kentuckians who complete a screening with a vision or qualifying medical specialsit….the license holder
would upload the official….signed form provided by their medical professional when renewing at…..drive-dot-k-y-dot-gov…….