detectives with the allen county/scottsville crime force and deputies with the allen county sheriff’s office executed a search warrant at one-27 chrismas lane….where
officers located suspected crystal meth, digital scales, multiple plastic bags and a ledger with prices in it……permission was obtained to look at 58 year old ricky bolen’s
phone where evidence of drug trafficking was observed with multiple individuals in allen and surrounding counties….. bolen and 55 year old tammy hartman were both
charged with trafficking in a controlled substance-meth and possession of drug paraphernalia…….
deputy josh jones stopped a vehicle on macedonia road for failing to stop at the inter-section with christmas lane….and the driver 34 year old christopher scott of 10-57
lambert road was charged with careless driving, possession of a controlled substance-second offense-meth, possession of drug paraphernalia and operating on a
suspended or revoke operator’s license…..
and 39 year old philip brumback of nine-42 riverview circle was arrested by deputy jones on an allen county warrant and ohio county warrant both charging failure to